28 May 2020 16:43

Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk stated that the Ministry is preparing an "Alphabet Game" for children and called on children to share their suggestions about the game.
The Minister stated in his social media account that the Ministry is preparing an "Alphabet Game" on the occasion of the International Game Day for the children who have been playing games in a single room at their homes during the lockdown.  
"We are expecting our children who are the most talented actors of the world to send their suggestions to   'oyunalfabesi@meb.gov.tr" said Selçuk. 
In the "Alphabet Game" there will be a box for every letter in the alphabet and there will be different games in every single box. Children can send their game proposals which will be similar to the ones in the alphabet game to "oyunalfabesi@meb.gov.tr" web address. Suggestions and proposals of the children will be collected in a book which will be named as "Games in Children's Language."